Don't think that problems with transporting your vehicle are solved by just picking the right company to do the job. Don’t think it’s the end of everything though, as there still a great deal of work left to do. Read on these reminders to prevent having problems with the Vehicle Shipping company.
Know whom to call within the company for inquiries and other serious matter. This gives you the means of locating your vehicle by just giving the office a ring. Just in case you may need it, don't forget to jot your car's tracking number.
Second, it will do well to clarify what should be your gas tank's status. Several transporters oblige the car owner to keep the car's fuel at a minimum. This is so fuel leaks and accidents that may result from them may be avoided.
Also, be certain that your vehicle is empty before handing them to your shipper. Most auto shippers do not allow personal items to be transported inside your vehicle. Leaving your stuff inside it serves as an open invitation for thieves to burglarize your car.
Freights have weight restrictions even for vehicles. Personal effects are not indemnified by the car carrier should anything happen to it. These kind of accidents is not part of the safety net that is stated in your contract with the shipper.
Also, alarm devices on your car must be turned off. Don't wait for the shipping staff to be bothered by it, it is better to disconnect it before it becomes a nuisance. You may even completely disengage the device if you want to.
The fifth thing you must keep in mind is to remember to sign a copy of the declaration of car's condition. By doing this, you won't be left in a state of rut in case your vehicle was damaged just because its prior condition wasn't properly documented. If something is not working with your car or has some flaws, let the man in charge know to avoid possible altercations when additional damage has been added due shipping.
All the essential things about your car's delivery are written in this manifesto. Keep this Bill of Lading at least until after the delivery. When things go wrong with your car shipment, the bill of Lading can readily serve as evidence.
6. If you can, take pictures of your vehicle from all angles including small details and surfaces. Upon the delivery of your vehicle, inspect it carefully and thoroughly. Examine the top and bottom of your car and from all sides.
See if there are any discrepancies with your car's condition as compared to the statement found in the Bill of lading. You won't be able to seek for claims of damages if you are in hurry to discharge the company from the contract. It is better to get claims for your car while the policy is enforced.
If you need some more ideas and info, make sure that you visit a trusted and reliable site.