Thursday, March 15, 2012

A List of Superb Free Movies Online

There are a great many compilations to be found online that show you which films are best. Everybody loves movies, and so people are easily drawn to view a list of the best movies ever made. People can’t get enough of movies, so now they clamor to get free movies online.

Movies provide amusement, and when they do that without a price tag, it is pretty hard to stay away. In the opinions of the watchers, these are the best films you can get for free online now. Movie-lovers shall call these films must-see selections.

From old horror flicks, you can consider "The Exorcist". This film was iconic, especially for its genre at the time. For a 1970s film, this is easily a stunning piece of horror work, not needing to rely on CGI or today's advanced technologies for realistic scares.

The degree of horror in the movie was such that it made a lasting impression on watchers. Who could ever forget Linda Blair’s head going 360 or when she walked down the downstairs ala inverted spider? That these shots are still referred to today proves how well-thought-out that movie was.

Titanic, the film that topped box office records for an unheard-of stretch has to be mentioned, of course. It is nigh-impossible to find a rundown of the greatest love stories in film that does not include this one. The actors were another source of interest for the film's audience, as they captured hearts with their beauty alone.

This is commonly held to be the best of all the movies that were ever made about the supposedly unsinkable ship. The true center of Titanic is not even the Titanic itself, but rather a blooming affair of passion between two young persons. This was the highest-grossing film of its time.

Yet one more extremely profitable movie would be "The Lion King". This is also the top animated film of all time. It was so successful that it beat out several non-animated films in top box office ranks.

There are also end-of-the-world films, naturally: one would be "War of the Worlds". The 1938 radio fiction-drama set nationwide panic as news reported an alien invasion by creatures from Mars. The only aspect in which the newer movies have outdone the old version would be in CGI special effects.

The dramatic movie that most people would love to download for free is Tom Hanks’s “Forrest Gump”. Endowed with a wonderfully agreeable lead, this was a film that was made with a delicate touch. Films of this type are what give Tinseltown its glitter, at the end of the day.

When it comes to free movies online, these are must-see items. There is simply something magical in the act of watching a movie of quality. These films can still be enjoyed online, either through streams or downloads.

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